
This series deals with photographs of historically important performances. However, Dertnig selects the audience, and not the performers, as her motif, and posits these fragmented groups of people in a new, largely abstract, context. Thus, the collages are documents of an audience and performance history on the one hand; on the other, they create a space of its own, in which actions are made and conditions are redefined. Image details, which are used twice or threefold here, create a filmic effect. Dertnig introduces video, the medium that is so crucial for performance art, to the actually still image. It becomes clear that a refection on performance, performance history, and feminist practices are only completed when questioning the spaces, tools, and media of performance art at the same time – only with this can they develop new potentials.

(excerpt from the press release for Carola Dertnig's Exhibition at Galerie Andreas Huber 2012)